Wednesday 22 February 2012

How to Give Birth to a Peaceful and Joyful Baby

 Prenatal babies have personalities before they are born. As any mother can tell you some babies move around both in and out of the womb, while some are  physically passive. Other infants are night owls both in and out of the womb. Nurses will point out to new parents that their newborn will quickly turn towards the voice of their mother, father, siblings and even grandparents.  So that means that an unborn child hears what is happening and remembers what he hears while he is still in the womb. These memories  are conscious for a couple of years (see post "My Two Year Old Remembers Life in the Womb") but later on they lay deep within our subconscious. Some musicians discover that they already know how to play a certain piece of music only to discover that their mother had practised that very piece while she was pregnant.

I convinced my son to try this experiment with his  pregnant wife a couple of months before the birth of their first child.
[ A side note- I finally have a grandchild. Previously I only had grandbeasties. These are my adult children's dogs. After my kids drive down our long driveway, they let their dogs out saying, "Go see grandpa and grandma!!!"]

 I asked my son, David, to gently place his hand on one side of his wife, Erica's, stomach and to then articulate out loud the fact that he welcomed his unborn child into their family and that that he would protect and provide for her.  He was to concentrate on pouring love into the unborn baby's spirit. As David loved his baby by talking and placing his hand on Erica's right side, unborn Eva kicked and pushed on that side of the womb! When David placed his hand on the other side of Erica's stomach and repeated the 'prayers', their unborn daughter placed a few good kicks on that side instead!

 As a result of Eva's parents consciously soaking her with nurturing love while she was still in the womb, she is a peaceful, content, good baby who is full of joy and a delight to everyone she meets. Dave and Erica are wonderful parents.

In the hospital, while holding his newborn daughter, David turned to his dad and said, "I think this is the best thing that I have ever done!"
We must have done something right.

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